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Women Blueprint ILB3 - DKG Corporate Blueprint
This blueprint replicates the scope of functionality, use-cases and overall composition of ILB 1, but tuned to the specifics of female biology. To some extent, it has a higher proportion of components focused on Longevity and Functional Medicine, and a slightly lesser proportion of components focused on neurocognitive performance enhancement. Additionally, it has optional components focused on fertility, bodily health during pregnancy, and optimizing fetus and gestating baby health during pregnancy.

Individual Longevity Blueprint
Open Source Platform
1 B2C
VR Recommendation System
The Women Blueprint Blueprint Data Room
The Women Blueprint Blueprint is an advanced AI algorithm that combines healthcare and longevity expertise to design ideal medical facilities, including precision and functional medicine clinics. The tool generates comprehensive expert reports covering essential aspects like equipment, personnel, diagnostic methods, treatments, and required suppliers, all based on evidence-based medicine and developed by DKG experts.

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