Statistics Сharts
Visualize vital numbers for the industries filtering data by broad parameters
Chart building is a natural, yet very important activity that allows us to process data in an efficient and meaningful way. We all know how to do this from school. Yet while working in finance chart building might become a little bit more complicated and non-trivial. From both technology and data points of view.
At Deep Knowledge Group, we care about your time and efforts. We understand how time-consuming this process might be and have developed tools to help you in this journey.
Let's see how they really work
First, open your dashboard. Your left tab works as a navigation tool, where you can access the dashboard's pages. Here you will find the Statistics. Click on tab and request Freemium access!
After clicking on the statistics tab, you will be redirected to the corresponding chart builder. Please note, that the database the chart builder accesses depends on the dashboard you are using.
Thus, the data and statistics you can work with on the Longevity dashboard will defer from those presented on the AI in Pharma or other dashboards.
Finishing with preliminaries, let's move on to the navigation. On the top, you can select 5 layers of the data.
Main and Secondary categories will correspond to the data shown on the X-axis and internal distribution. The Type of Value will give you the Y-axis. You can then narrow your search by choosing a specific country or a keyword.
Let's look at a specific example. On the screenshot at the right, we have chosen Funding distribution and the Longevity sector as Main and Secondary categories, respectively. Thus, the X-axis shows us different funding ranges and different colors correspond to different Longevity sectors.
The Type of Value is the number of companies. In the end, we have decided that we are interested in the US-based companies primarily and only those that somehow relate to the fence therapy, typing a corresponding phrase in a Custom Query search.
Thus, our statistics show us how US companies that implement gene therapy are distributed across the different Longevity sectors with respect to their total funding.
Another cool feature of the Statistics tool is that we enlive our data!
If you click on any bar of the chart, the list of the companies that correspond to the given part will pop up. You can click on any company to see its brief overview, including our NLP-based SWOTs!
All these features allow you to build queries and work with data in an easy and meaningful way. Start creating your own market insights today!
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