Portfolio Constructor
Backtest your portfolio using more than 4,000 public companies across different dashboards
The built-in portfolio constructor lets you check out how public companies you find promising would perform under various investment strategies if you had invested in them before.
Choose among different strategies or adjust weights by yourself to find the best outcomes. Backtesting of the portfolio might shed light on how your equity basket would behave in the future.
Let's make some examples
No matter which dashboard you are currently using, your left tab works as a navigation tool, where you can access the dashboard's pages. Click on tab and request Freemium access!
In order to build a portfolio go to the Portfolio Constructor tab.
Select the companies you would like to have in your portfolio. Select the dates and amount you would like to invest. Adjust proposed custom parameters for the strategies from the list or skip them and select the strategy and look at your portfolio performance.
Choose among 7 portfolio types to select one that perfectly meets your needs. Pick stocks for the following portfolio strategies: equally weighted, growth optimal portfolio (GMV), growth optimal portfolio (EF), minimum variance, Sharpe ratio-based, market capitalization-weighted portfolios.
The tool is developed to easily provide stock weights in the basket (including negative values for opening short positions), expected income from investment, performance dynamics over time and a variety of portfolio metrics.
Set your proprietary requirements to investment portfolio. Just select Custom Strategy Type and adjust the weights of stocks to see the in-depth performance of your investment strategy.
The portfolio constructor will instantly display the full range of data regarding your customized portfolio, including daily returns, chart with multiple stock prices, interactive comparison of the indices taken from financial statements and many other.
Analyze the public companies with needful tools. Click on the Predictions button to access solutions for stock prices predictions. They allow you to build forecasts on equities prices based on different approaches and compare them in real-time.
At the top of the page, you can choose companies you want to compare, select the predictions' end dates and choose a prediction type. You can choose Wiener or Adjusted Geometric Brownian Motion. Interested in ML-based solutions? Give Prophet or LSTM approaches a try!