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Market research

Market Research

Explore companies with unseen precision and comprehensive analysis

Looking for a suitable investment target starts with the understanding of industry trends. The possession of market intelligence allows him/her to ask the right questions.


Find comprehensive tailor-made reports covering the whole complexity of investment into the Longevity industry.

Let's make some examples

No matter which dashboard you are currently using, your left tab works as a navigation tool, where you can access the dashboard's pages. Here you will find the Downloadable tab. Click on tab and request Freemium access!

Go to the Downloadable tab and select the Digest which will be of the greatest interest to you.


The new iterations of reports are released periodically to keep users updated with trends relating to the focus of any given dashboard.


Analyze the public companies with needful tools. Click on the Predictions button to access solutions for stock prices predictions. They allow you to build forecasts on equities prices based on different approaches and compare them in real-time.


At the top of the page, you can choose companies you want to compare, select the predictions' end dates and choose a prediction type. You can choose Wiener or Adjusted Geometric Brownian Motion. Interested in ML-based solutions? Give Prophet or LSTM approaches a try!


Use the interactive Mindmaps button on the navigation bar leading to the visualizations of the entire industries based on market sectors. Such representation of data allows to conduct due diligence with the gradual investigation of the clusters of companies, investors, R&D hubs and identify the interdependencies between them.


Understand how different actors relate to each other in an interactive way. No matter what is the reasoning behind your market analysis, Mindmaps can serve as a powerful tool to track and understand your niche better!


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